Publications - Confocal 3D Microscopy

H.-J. Jordan, R. Brodmann, J. Valentin, M. Grigat, NanoFocus Metrology GmbH, appeared to the „World Tribology Congress 3rd – 7th September 2001 – Vienna, Austria“.

Quality assurance of HARMS and MOEMS surface structures using confocal white light microscopy
Hans-Joachim Jordan, Rainer Brodmann, Marcus Grigat and Juergen Valentin, NanoFocus Metrology GmbH, appeared in „SPIE Proc. Vol. 4440, p. 51-58, Juli 2001.

Highly accurate surface measurement by means of white light confocal microscopy
H.-J. Jordan (NanoFocus Metrology GmbH), R. Brodmann (Brodmann Marketing & Distribution), appeared in „X. International Colloquium on Surfaces“, Uni. Chemnitz, 2000, M. Dietzsch, H. Trumbold (Hrsg.).

Highly accurate non-contact characterisation of engineering surfaces using confocal microscopy
H.-J. Jordan, M. Wegner, and H. Tiziani, Institute for Technical Optic of the University of Stuttgart, appeared in „Meas. Sci. Technol. 9 (1998).

Optical topometry for roughness measurement and form analysis of engineering surfaces using confocal microscopy
H.-J. Jordan, M. Wegner, and H. Tiziani, Institute for Technical Optic of the University of Stuttgart, May 1997, in „Progress in Precission Engineering and Nanotechnology“, Horst Kunzmann et all (Eds.).

Highly accurate, fast in seconds and three-dimensional - The possibilities of confocal microscopy
Hans J. Tiziani, René Achi, Hans-Joachim Jordan, Institute for Technical Optic of the University of Stuttgart, 1996, in „Research - Communications of the DFG 4/96“, side 8.