Publications - Chromatic confocal distance sensors
Optical High Speed Twist Characterisation
J. Seewig, H.-J. Jordan, T. Hercke, R. Volk, appeared in „XII. International Colloquium on Surfaces“, Uni. Chemnitz, 2008, M. Dietzsch (Hrsg.).
Optical chromatic confocal probes
H.-J.Jordan, DIGITAL SURF Germany GmbH, appeared in „XII. International Colloquium on Surfaces“, Uni. Chemnitz, 2008, M. Dietzsch (Hrsg.).
Confocal Point sensors
Hans-Joachim Jordan, DIGITAL SURF Germany GmbH, appeared in „VDI Reports 1996: Optical measurement of technical surfaces in practice - Determination of geometry and topography", October 2007.
Highly accurate 2D and 3D surface metrology using confocal white-light sensors with chromatic distance coding
Hans-Joachim Jordan, DIGITAL SURF Germany GmbH, appeared in „XI. International Colloquium on Surfaces“, Uni. Chemnitz, 2004, M. Dietzsch (Hrsg.).